Birth Control

This weekend we had the privilege of baby-sitting my 12 month old cousin, Braz. He is too cute but he is a handful. I remember half way through the day thinking, “is it time to take him home yet???” He is into everything and our house isn’t baby proof. So I took every pillow in the house and put them all around our living room so he couldn’t get into anything he didn’t need to.

To all of those who are hoping we will have a baby soon: I’m very sorry. I am definitely NOT ready. That is a hand full that I am just not wanting to have now. But it was fun to have him for a day. He is a cutie!

One Response to “Birth Control”

  1. lgregg Says:

    Believe me, I won’t be disappointed if you wait. Maybe some day I’ll be close enough that I will encourage grandbabies…but not yet… 🙂
    He looks just like his daddy!!!

    Great photos….maybe you should open a studio…

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