Family Vacation

We just had an amazing week with our family. Everyone came in for family reunion and then stayed the week to visit everyone. We had a great time and I actually didn’t get hurt this time. Yes, it can be done. I can get through a vacation with out getting hurt. No burns, scratches, bruises or organs being removed. A great success if you ask me. Now, my house is back to normal and I only have 2 more loads of laundry. I accomplished this in only two days. I call it a miracle!

2 Responses to “Family Vacation”

  1. Linda Says:

    It was an amazing week! I told Joe it was pretty close to being in heaven being able to be with all my kids at the same time. 🙂 Thanks, once again, for opening your home to us!
    love you

  2. Chris Bui Says:

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