Christmas time is here

So apparently Christmas is SUNDAY! I guess I’ve been hiding under a rock for the past few weeks. My to do list just tripled in the past hour and now I hear the only day I have to get things done is Friday and the weather is supposed to suck. Strange enough though it hasn’t dampened my excitement for Christmas. This has always been and always will be my favorite time of year. I love all the lights and decorations. I love any excuse to sit by the pretty tree and drink hot chocolate AND THE FOOD!!! I decided a long time ago that Christmas food has no calories. It just can’t, it’s magical like that.
I am also reminded that Christmas time is why I am actually here. I’m finding as I’m get (ahem) older that the lights and gifts are moving farther behind the true meaning of Christmas. I am so thankful that God sent his Son for me so that I can live this wonderful life that I do. I am blessed beyond what I could have ever imagined and I know that it is all God. Everything I have from my amazing husband to my adorable house and all my stuff that I don’t need but love having is a gift from Him. I take no credit for it.

Speaking of blessings, I want to thank everyone who gave money to help me get to Africa next month. You guys have blown me away with your amazing, giving spirits. I never dreamed I would even be going much less have so much love and support behind me. I have all the money I need plus more that I’m going to use to buy gifts to take to the sweet women we are going to be ministering to. Thank you, thank you, thank you! It is sneaking up on me. After the first of the year I’m going to get my to do and to get list together and get moving. New experiences are so much fun! I can’t wait to finally be able to feed my wonderlust and see parts of God’s creation that I have never seen and also most importantly to tell these wonderful women about HIM. It’s going to be amazing!

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