Archive for the ‘News’ Category

New year, new me

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

Happy 2013! I have never been good at keeping resolutions. I normally end up breaking them as soon as I set them. But, I do want to take an inventory of my life and set some goals for this year. Mainly, my relationship with God, my new little family, my church work and my surroundings.


Becoming a mom has completely turned my world upside down. Now I have a little boy to focus on rather than myself and I feel like I am finally doing what God created me to do. I never really decided on a career and I always wondered what God had in store for me. Now I know, I was created to be a wife and mom.


This first year of his life is important and I want to make sure I instill good, Godly things in his life. I have to also make sure I don’t forget about my wife hat. I’ve never really understood the Proverbs 31 wife stuff until now. This year is going to be about seeking Him to find out exactly how to find the balance between wife, mom, homemaker, praise and worship leader, and so on.


I also have a new vision for this little space of mine. I am going to start doing the meal plans again and of course post TONS of Connor photos. I’m also going to pray and seek God about what God will have for this space. If I can use it for His glory also that is an added bonus!

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 26th, 2012


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We had a nice, relaxing Christmas this year. I’m pretty sure I cooked all day and loved every minute of it!

Welcome to the world Connor!

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Hello everyone! Let’s play catch up…

Mr. Connor Miles was born on November 8 at 2:41am. I was scheduled to have a c-section on the 12th but the stubborn little boy decided he was going to show me that I can schedule all I want, but he’s going to do what he wanted to do and come a couple of days early. He was 7 lbs 12 oz and 19.25 in long.

We are so in love with this awesome little boy. This has been the most exhausting but awesome 4 weeks and I am so excited to watch my little boy grow. I thank God every day for blessing me with the most amazing gift ever.

Fourth of July Babymoon

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

Every 4th of July our shop closes down for the week to give our employees some rest. Jace decided to take this week off also and we went out of town. First we went with my parents to see my grandparents in Tulsa. It was so great to see everyone there since I haven’t seen them in several years.

My grandma has a garden with tomatoes and cucumbers. They are delicious!

Next we traveled down to the DFW area to Rockwall and stayed a couple of days on the lake. My favorite part was being able to sit on our balcony and watch the sunset over the lake. It was so peaceful and relaxing. I loved spending time with Jace and walking around the harbor every evening to the various restaurants to get dinner. It was a great week!

Weekly meal plan…fail

Monday, June 25th, 2012

I don’t have even close to a plan for this week because this week is going to be completely bonkers. On an exciting note though we know what we’re having! It’s a…..

I can’t tell you. Haha, this is too much fun. We are planning a gender reveal party for our families tomorrow night, so until then my mouth is shut. I am going underground and no one shall know until tomorrow (with the exception of one but she is sworn to secrecy and knows I will drive all the way to Louisiana/Arkansas/Hillbillyville to kick her butt).

Happy eating!!!

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