
When I graduated from high school in 2003 I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I just knew I was going to be a photographer. I quickly enrolled in all the photography classes I could take.  Then I found out how hard it is to get a photography business up and running and how much competition there is in the field. I quickly decided that it would just be a hobby. Through the years of taking photos, I learned that I’m much better at photographing objects or just candids of people instead of portraits. Here are a couple of my favorite shots over the past year or so.

This one was taken in Dallas just a couple of weeks ago. I love the lines and the beautiful blue color.

I shot this one a couple of years ago on the 4th of July. My cousin Keely was throwing poppers and I caught her in the air, mid-throw.

This was my favorite photo from our trip to Dallas a couple of weeks ago. I love the curviness of the tree in front of the clean lines of the buildings.

This is one of my favorite photos I have ever taken mainly because this is a candid. My cousin Braz just happened to be playing in this bin and look over at me when I had my camera out.

This was taken at church during our youth revival last year. I didn’t have a tripod so I didn’t get the clarity that I would have liked but the colors came out amazing!

My dad’s 1958 Cadillac. Enough said.

Jace’s cousin didn’t want her photo taken but I caught her right as she was getting out of the pool. I really enjoy shooting in natural light. It come out so beautiful.

Matt was privileged to play his bass at his graduation. I loved getting this shot. I was so proud of my little brother.

I took this shot just messing around after church. I had just bought my first pair of Louboutins and they were hurting my feet after being on stage.  I took them off and laid them on the piano and when I looked down I immediately went and got my camera.

(click on the photos to make them bigger)

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