Things I am liking right now

I haven’t done one of these in a very long time so I decided to do another one. Anyone who spends even a little bit of time with me knows that I am a shopaholic. I love to find new things whether its for my hair, clothes, music or a new cooking tool. Here we go!

I found this de frizz serum a couple of weeks ago and I fell in love the second I put it in my hair. It is Bumble and Bumble Defrizz. I have very thick, course hair and this stuff makes my hair look thinner and VERY soft. Just put it in while your hair is wet and then blow dry. I also use it after styling to tame my flyaways.

Jazz vocalist and pianist Melody Gardot’s new album My One and Only Thrill is my absolute favorite album right now. I have it both on my iphone and on vinyl. I love to come home and put it on while I am cooking or cleaning. The problem is that I end up listening to her and getting nothing done. There are a couple of songs that will make you melt. The best song on there is a song called ” Our Love is Easy” I can’t begin to explain the emotions that go through me when I listen to this song. The other song I love is the title track “My One and Only Thrill”. It has the prettiest arrangement I have heard in a very long time.

Last but not least is for the kitchen. A couple months ago I bought an Acai Berry Smoothie at a local shop and loved it. So the next day I went and got another one and watched closely as they made it. I went home, got my Magic Bullet out and recreated the amazing smoothie. (I’ll post the recipe in the next couple of days) This little machine is great. It is small enough to sit out on your cabinet and not take up too much space like a blender would. You can also make the smoothie in the mug you will drink it in so you don’t have to do a million dishes every time you want a smoothie.

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