Monday Meal Plan

Every week I decide what we are going to eat for dinner ahead of time so that I can make sure I have everything I need to cook for the week. I didn’t do this until about a year ago when we decided to eat more meals at home. It has helped so much in keeping me organized and it also keeps me from making hurried trips to the grocery store every day.

This week is healthy week because I have to get into a bridesmaid’s dress on Saturday and look presentable. Here’s the plan:
Tonight: Leftover chili from Saturday with whole wheat crackers
Tuesday: Teriyaki brown rice with squash, zucchini, eggplant and red peppers. So good!
Wednesday: Grilled chicken and mashed potatoes.
Thursday: I have praise and worship practice so we will be having take out.
Friday: Clear Springs for the rehearsal dinner.

I will put up some of the recipes as we go.

Happy Eating!

One Response to “Monday Meal Plan”

  1. Sommer Says:

    Whoo hoo!! You are my cooking hero 🙂

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