Weekly meal plan 1.4.10

Well, the holidays are finally over and it is time to get back to our normal lives. I have to say I enjoyed the days off and all of the food but it’s nice to be back on a normal schedule. We are packing as much meat into this week because as of Sunday evening I, along with many people from my church, are going on a fast for 10 days. It’s called a Daniel Fast and it pretty much follows the guidelines of a vegan lifestyle with a couple of exceptions. So I won’t be eating meat, dairy, sugar, anything processed or made from white flour and no cokes. Some people are choosing to allow dairy into their diet but I feel like since I eat pretty healthy anyway I need more of a challenge. So all fruits, veggies and whole wheat for me. I am hoping to deepen my spiritual walk with God over those ten days, and begin my year right.

Here is my meat filled meal plan.

Monday: pork chops, mashed potatoes and corn on the cobb
Tuesday: made from scratch chicken pot pie
Wednesday: probably take out before church
Thursday: Mexican casserole (LeeAnn, I’m stealing your recipe)
Friday: date night!

Throughout the week I am going to be posting some of the Daniel Fast friendly recipes for all of you braving this with me. I think it will be a hard but great time of cleansing and deepening of our faith. I will also post some recipes from this week for all you meat eaters.

Happy eating!

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