Weekly meal plan 2.7.11

After a week of both of us sick with the flu I am happy to say I think we are both well again. I absolutely hate being sick. Not being able to move conflicts with my inability to sit still. I want to get up and move but I physically can’t. Not fun.

We had a roller coaster of a weekend. Saturday was a good day. Jace worked at the church all day putting up our new speakers and I took a girls road trip to Lubbock with my best friend Jamie for some retail therapy.

Sunday morning we found out that my great grandmother who was 99 years old passed away. If everyone could please keep my family in their prayers we would greatly appreciate it. A lot of my family will be making the trip to Arkansas for the funeral and the weather is supposed to get bad again. Also keep my memaw in your prayers. She is going up there early to take care of all the details.

This week’s meals are kind of a repeat of last week. Since we were sick we didn’t get to eat any of the food I had planned. Here’s this weeks plan.

Tonight: Tex-Mex pork chops with rice
Tuesday: chicken pasta in a cream sauce
Wednesday: Not sure
Thursday: take out after practice
Friday: girls/guys night with youth group

Happy eating!

One Response to “Weekly meal plan 2.7.11”

  1. Linda Says:

    Mandy, so sorry to hear about Patsy’s mom. You will all be in our thoughts and prayers. Love you

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