Quick Dinner

Need a dinner idea? I have one for you. It’s baked chicken and sweet potato fries. We made this Monday night and it took about 25 minutes. First you marinate your chicken breasts in Italian dressing for about thirty minutes. Then get them out of the marinade and coat them in Italian bread crumbs.

Next cut your sweet potato into strips to resemble fries. Put them on a greased baking sheet and be sure to salt and pepper them well.
Put both baking sheets in the oven for 20 minutes. The sweet potatoes may need a couple more minutes depending on your oven.
Next put them on a plate and enjoy!

5 Responses to “Quick Dinner”

  1. rbucich Says:

    Hello Mandy! You entered a Tiny Prints contest over at City Mama’s blog and I may have some good news to share. Reach out to me when you have a chance. Thanks!
    rick.bucich at tinyprints.com.

    P.S. Never thought of using Italian dressing as a marinade on chicken. I’ve used it on shrimp and it’s delicious! Thanks for the tip!

  2. Mandy and Jace » Weekly meal plan 12.22.09…sort of Says:

    […] big, fat hand crafted hamburgers and sweet potato fries for Jace and whatever my stomach will allow me to eat. Wednesday: out to dinner for dad’s […]

  3. Mandy and Jace » Weekly meal plan 5.31.10 Says:

    […] Tonight: date night! Tuesday: sauteed chicken and rice Wednesday: grilled cheese sandwiches and sweet potato fries Thursday: take out after praise and worship practice Friday: Steak, mashed potatoes and corn on the […]

  4. Mandy and Jace » Weekly meal plan 6.28.10 Says:

    […] this weeks meal plan. Tonight: burgers and sweet potato fries Tuesday: 5 spice beef stir fry Wednesday: grilled lamb chops and couscous Thursday: take out since […]

  5. Mandy and Jace » Blog Archive » Weekly meal plan 2.21.11 Says:

    […] the juiciest burgers ever and sweet potato fries Tuesday: 5 spice beef stir fry Wednesday: crock pot roast and potatoes Thursday: take out after […]

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