Weekly meal plan 1.3.11

This is my first meal plan of the new year!!! I am very excited about the meal plans this year. I plan on doing lots of new recipes and fun stuff. Also, I know of several people who are starting to do weekly meal plans so I would really like to make this more of a community where we can bounce ideas off of each other and get help with meal plans. I know some weeks can be hard to come up with a list of things to eat so I think it could help to get some ideas from other people.

Here is this weeks plan.
Tonight: sauteed chicken and lemon thyme rice
Tuesday: sichuan-style chicken noodle soup with (hopefully homemade) french bread
Wednesday: grilled sandwiches and chips
Thursday: take out after praise and worship practice
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

One Response to “Weekly meal plan 1.3.11”

  1. Jamie Edler Says:

    yummy! Sounds like a great menu! Made me hungry just reading!

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