Weekly meal plan 10.25.10

I am enjoying a very WINDY Monday. They said on the news it was going to be windy and funny how they always get that prediction right. No joke, I’m looking out my window at a little girl holding on to her dad because the wind is trying to push her over. Yikes!
I am in the beginning stages of planning for Thanksgiving. I know it’s a little bit early but we are planning on having it at our house this year, and I want to make sure I have everything that I’m going to need. I can’t believe it is already almost November. Pretty soon we will be getting ready for Christmas and I’m nowhere near ready for that.
If everyone could be praying for our Pastors and Youth Pastors who are on a mission trip in India this week. They will be dedicating churches and doing ministry there and we want to be sure they stay safe and come back VERY soon. I miss my friend, and would really like her to come back in one piece. India is way too far away.

Here is this week’s plan.
Tonight: Steak, lemon spaghetti and green beans (I do realize those really don’t go together but they all sounded good)
Tuesday: Tex-mex pork chops and rice
Wednesday: on-the-go burritos
Thursday: not sure yet. Maybe some kind of soup with the leftovers in the freezer.
Friday: date night!

Happy eating.

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